Unlocking Positivity: How to Transform Your Mindset for the Second Half of the Year

Posted by Laura Shaw Allen on 2nd Jul 2024

Unlocking Positivity: How to Transform Your Mindset for the Second Half of the Year

I have had such a great few days, feeling super energetic. Super happy to be in the Positivity Keys office this morning. I was just taking a look at my calendar. I have one of these in my kitchen. I have one of these in my office, and I turn both of them.

When I look at them, I think about the message, I get lost in the photo and I put those messages into my arsenal so that I can keep continually bringing myself to a better awareness, and bring more positivity in my life. When analyzing and thinking about myself, how I react to things, and what I want in my world. This morning, we are starting a brand new one. You know, we calculate everything, right?

So we have this calendar that we go by and all the days of the calendar and all the hours in the day and then the minutes and so we tend to try to shift our thinking into this linear timeline. and so a lot of times, either the beginning of the year, the middle of the year, the end of the year, and in corporations we do the quarters, right?

We make our goals and we write a list of the things we want in those goals, and then we watch them come to life if we put the right things into place. So this is July 1st and we are going to be starting our second half of the year. If you don't own the calendar, you should. It is a great tool to use every day so that you can help shift your mindset.

So we're using the thought key today, the number one key of the seven positivity keys, and with that key, think about your thoughts. It's not about just the thought, It's about you thinking about your thoughts. It's about being aware of your thoughts and learning what your thoughts are, what they mean, and where they're putting you.

It says, “You are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to if you believe in yourself." So how you see yourself and how you think about who you are as a person, and where you put your energy is what happens in your world. If you have these negative thoughts about yourself, you're going to see that in yourself. It's just going to create more negative energy and more negative things about yourself. If you see yourself unhappy, you're going to probably be unhappy. If you see yourself as ugly, you're probably going to get ugly. Or if you see yourself as unhealthy, you're probably going to be unhealthy. These things that we're solidifying into our subconscious and putting onto ourselves, start here with your thinking process. So the first step to that is being aware of your thoughts and knowing that those thoughts are creating more things to happen in your world. 

So if you want to start the second part of the year off right, and you want to do the right things for yourself, I would say that you have to know that you are capable. You have to believe that you are capable and you will be capable. You have to start believing in who you are, believing in what you want, and seeing what you need, to make that happen. Then, it will just kind of open up for you. You have to believe in yourself and see the best version of who you want to be. You have to put yourself in a position where you see yourself as great. You see yourself as healthy, you see yourself as capable. and that's the first step.

So start your second half off right! Start believing in yourself. Do whatever that means to you and take those necessary steps to change the way that you're thinking and put more thought into who you are and see yourself as capable, loving, healthy, better. I wish nothing but the best for you today and always.

Let's start that second half of the year off right. And, until next time...