The Thought Key - The First Key of the 7 Positivity Keys

25th Jul 2023

The Thought Key - The First Key of the 7 Positivity Keys

Positivity Keys Has Seven Keys

The first of those keys will be the most important of all. THOUGHT. 

Whenever you see the golden key, you're going to have it spark thoughts and this key will be the most important part of unlocking your potential.

So, let's start off with just the definition of thought. Thought is a mental process of contemplating, reasoning, and considering ideas, opinions, and perceptions. It involves the cognitive process of perception, attention, memory, language, and problem-solving. Thoughts can be conscious or unconscious, including visual images, auditory experiences, and abstract concepts. They play a crucial role in decision-making, problem-solving, creativity, and most importantly self-reflection.

First, ask yourself the question. How aware are you of your thoughts? Most are gonna say, “Oh, I'm totally aware. I know my thoughts”, right? And how they come about. Well, I think that probably wouldn't be very true. Most of us walk through life a lot of times with blinders on.

My son, he's funny. He calls him the sleepers. Most people are not really paying attention to what they're thinking. They're just doing. They're reacting. When you react to thoughts that you are not aware of, sometimes it can get you into trouble. A lot of times it can help you make bad decisions. So hopefully, not hopefully, most definitely, the changes that are gonna come about in your life are gonna be because you have changed the way that you think, and that you became more aware of your thoughts.

Conscious thought specifically refers to thoughts that we're aware of and that we're actively engaged with. It involves deliberate and focused processing of information. We're actively directing our attention and prioritizing certain thoughts over others. They allow us to analyze and evaluate different options, weigh the pros and cons, and make intentional decisions based on our values, our beliefs, and our goals. It involves the ability to reflect on past experiences, plan for our futures, and consider alternative perspectives. So, conscious thoughts, are typically characterized as a sense of clarity, intentionality, and awareness. They often involve rational thinking, logical reasoning, and the use of language. Conscious thoughts also allow us to engage in introspection, self-reflection, and metacognition, enabling us to monitor and regulate our own thinking process.

The key to all of that is awareness. Understanding that you have to pay attention to the thought. The mind is the source that creates the thoughts, or the mechanism that builds the thoughts, but the actual vibration and electrician electricity and the spark that comes with the thought itself. That's the part that you really have to pay attention to.

Now don't get me wrong, it is super important that we pay attention to our subconscious thoughts. The ones that are deep down inside of us, because those subconscious thoughts are paradigms, a lot of times that are pre-built from the time that we were small children and we put on our shoes, right, left, put on our underwear, right, left. You know, we've gotten so used to waking up in the morning and making the coffee and going to the toothbrush and brushing our teeth and doing all the things that are so mechanical that your brain doesn't even have the thought of doing it, you're just doing it. That's what we call sleepers, right? So, it's important to notice that one works with the other one.

The other day I woke up at five o'clock in the morning and I first thought instantly in my head that I needed to restructure my entire positive thinking calendar. They weren't in the right order, the keys weren't put in the right order. And I asked myself a ton of questions, you know, what's going to happen if you leave it the same? Are you thinking about this as a logical educational need to move them around? Is it your ego talking? Is it just your artistry that you decide that you can't put it out because it's not perfect? We need to realize that a lot of this stuff comes from either our ego or it comes from a place of love or gratitude and we're not just simply having a thought.

You need to ask yourself the questions about your thoughts and then it's going to help you structure and become more aware of them. Regardless of how long you learn this, you're constantly fine-tuning your process. Just as you might have thought, you know, with your religion you could never stop learning or you're going to backslide. You've heard that, at least I've heard that over my lifetime. Once you stop, you just slide backward.

While the same is true with positive thinking and happiness in your life, you have to stay on top of it and you have to pay attention to your thoughts. You'll find that they're like a magnet and that more thoughts about a certain thing or more of that's going to show up in your life.

You don't hear about people putting out positive affirmations or affirmations at all that are negative. That wouldn't even make any sense. So why would you not try to attract more positive thoughts by actually paying attention to the thoughts that you're having?

You have to constantly be learning. Two sides to the coin, conscious, and subconscious, right? Conscious behaviors are going to be the ones that we're using in our daily lives and they're the ones that are going to impress the thoughts upon the subconscious. That's why before you go to bed at night, you pray or go through the things that you were thankful for in your day. You get rid of the things that are angry or hurtful or that happen that you didn't like. You don't stay in those moments. You put out those six things or ten things that you're super grateful for and the things that you would like to see showing up in your life. You think about it, you put some intention into it and then you go to sleep that night. When you wake up in the morning, you have those first thoughts. Those are usually because you've impressed things upon your subconscious while you sleep.

The stuff that's real deep down, those are going to be your subconscious behaviors and your subconscious thinking. The subconscious thought refers to thoughts and mental processes that occur outside of our immediate conscious awareness. Their thoughts are not actively being focused or deliberately being processed by our conscious mind. So memory retrieval, pattern recognition, emotional responses, and subconscious thought can influence our beliefs attitudes, and behaviors, even though we might not be consciously aware of it.

Thought is going to be so important. One of the things that you can do when you are in that learning process and trying to change your thinking patterns is you can practice mindfulness. Mindfulness involves paying attention to your thoughts deliberately. At that moment, in that present moment, without any judgment at all, being where you're the observer of the thoughts as they arise in your mind. Being fully in that moment allows you to become more aware of the content of your thoughts, your patterns, and your thinking.

Practice mindfulness, sitting still, just being, and allowing yourself to be. And those thoughts will just come flooding in and then you're going to go, oh wow, I'm thinking those. And you're going to actually kind of visualize your thoughts. It’s helpful to keep a thought journal. This is where you write down your thoughts throughout your day, even if you just have a little thing on your phone where your notepad is, and when you have a thought you write it down, it's going to help you observe and track your patterns.

You're going to see themes that emerge in your thinking. You're also going to provide opportunities for reflection and self-analysis. I am constantly analyzing myself to the molecule. I want to be the best version of myself that I can be. In order to do that, I have to really analyze what I'm doing, what my motivation is behind my thoughts, where those thoughts are going, and how they're interacting and helping you or not helping others. You know, I could go on and on about that for a long time. We're just going to keep it a little bit simpler here today.

So, I'm going to go to the next one. You can actually observe your emotions, right? Your thoughts and your emotions are closely linked. Becoming more aware of your emotions is going to help you gain insight into how those thoughts are triggered. What triggers them? Pay attention to the bodily sensations you have, your different emotions, and how you label those emotions when they arise. You know, if they're not good emotions, you've got to change those thoughts. Stop thinking like that. Stop saying things that you don't want out there.

Only put out the things that you want out there. And as you do it over time and you observe your emotions and you create your journal so that you can see your patterns and you practice mindfulness and put yourself in situations where you're actually paying attention to your thoughts, you're going to start challenging the negative ones, the negative thoughts that can be self-limiting and destructive. You're going to be aware of the negative and the unhelpful thoughts, you're going to question them. Where are they valid? And you're going to replace them with more positive and constructive thoughts.

Engage in your self-reflection. Set aside regular time for self-reflection and introspection. This is going to involve activities. You're journaling. You're meditating. You're engaging. Keeping your thoughts positive. Quiet contemplation. Examine your thoughts, your beliefs, and your perspectives. Are your values and the things in your life aligning? If they're not, then you have to learn how to shift your thoughts to give you a better reflection of what your values truly are.

You can't say, “Oh, I'm this super positive, super happy person”. But if you're getting to work and you're falling right into the trap of all the other people that you're surrounded with, or saying, “Oh, well, traffic was so bad”, or “my coffee got cold and it's freezing in here” or “it's hot in here,” or you know, “I'm just so tired today”. All those negative vibes around you start shifting you and you jump right on board. That doesn't create change. Definitely doesn't bring more positivity. So you need to put yourself in positive places. If your values are not positive, then you have to change the people that you surround yourself with, the environments that you're in, and the experiences that you're handling. If you're going to parties all the time where people are drunk and falling down, it’s not very clean living. It's not aligning with your values. Figure out what your values are and then align what you're doing to create a more positive lifestyle.

Practicing gratitude is a huge factor. So becoming aware of things in your mind that you're grateful for, talking about them, expressing them constantly, shifting your perspective toward positive aspects in your life, and counteracting the negativity. Practicing self-care, taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally, is essential for maintaining positivity and positive thoughts. Engaging in activities that promote self-care, like exercise, taking a walk, eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and practicing relaxation techniques.

One of the biggest things that has made such a huge impact on my life is probably going to be my affirmations and my positive statements. I've used several different techniques to retrain my brain to have a better outlook. That intention has set off those thoughts that have been creating more and more thoughts that are on a positive uplifting level helped me get through some incredibly challenging times in my life, helped me to be successful in business, find the man of my dreams, live in the house that I want and to drive the car that I want to. I couldn't ask for more. And it's basically this thinking process and being aware of your thoughts is the most valuable, the most important part of all of the things that I could help you understand to unlock your potential.

I hope that you got a lot out of today. Thank you again for being here. I'm so grateful for you. I'm so happy that you are on the next step in your journey. And as I say that, I get goosebumps because I love what I do. I love the fact that I get to share myself and what I've learned with others. It makes me feel incredible. I hope that you continue on your journey. And the next time we talk, we'll talk about the next key. Thanks. Make it a great day.

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I hope you make it a great day.
