The Intention key – The Second Key of the 7 Positivity Keys

16th Aug 2023

The Intention key – The Second Key of the 7 Positivity Keys

This key sets the Intent of the first key, the thought key.

What is intention? Let’s look at the definition of intention - a thing intended, an aim, or a plan.

It could be your goal, your purpose, a clearer formulation, or being deliberate about what you want.

Intention starts when we have a thought. Remember when we talked about the thought key and how powerful your thoughts are? We can deeply analyze our thoughts being still and looking at our thoughts as if we were a third party and we can also ask ourselves questions that will get to the root of thought and whether it comes from ego, an old paradigm, or a place of love. Then that thought sends a signal out into the world as energy so that it can start to manifest the things that we are thinking. This is where we add the next step, Intention. What if we analyzed a thought, realized it was coming from a place of positivity, love, creativity, and joy, and could re-enforce that thought and give it full power by adding intention?

So where do intentions come from?

Intentions are going to come from within you and make a choice about the thoughts that you are having. They can be good or bad and you get to decide what happens here. Asking yourself questions can help you to decide what the outcome will be if you enforce the thought one way or another. Ask yourself what your motivation is. Does it make your heart sing? Is it in alignment with your higher self? Does your intention align with your values? Sometimes good intentions do not have favorable outcomes if they are not followed by action. We will cover this when we talk about the action key but for now, just keep in mind that all the keys working together will help unlock more positivity and potential.

Why does intention matter?

Each time we have a thought, and we choose to add intention to that thought it starts the sync of vibration where you will be connecting with others in the world including nature. It is imperative that we let go of selfish behaviors and allow ourselves to be open and realize that when we bring the best version of ourselves it will help the world as a collective and this is part of the responsibility we carry as humans. It also means doing something with another person’s best interest at heart. You are not trying to gain anything from others yet give. For some that are used to mostly doing things to only gain, this may feel uncomfortable at first. Over time, it will become one of your greatest assets and bring more incredible things to you than you could have thought imaginable.

You can set intentions all through your day, but I like to set deep-rooted intentions before I go to bed at night. When I wake up my first thoughts of the day usually will have meaning based on those intentions I set before I slept. I also like to set intentions when making any major changes in my life or events that are upcoming that could cause any negativity. For example, if I knew I had a big meeting coming up at work I would take the time to pray about it, set intentions for a positive outcome, and then go to sleep. Such that everyone in the meeting will be feeling good, want to work together, and collaborate with positivity. Then when I wake up in the morning of my meeting, I can feel good about going to the meeting with good intentions and an open heart. When thinking about intentions in my professional and personal life I must remember to refocus and reset my intentions as many times as needed throughout the day because not all things are going to go exactly how you intended. Be proud of yourself for working towards better alignment and keep going. Soon you will find that you will feel better knowing you are paying attention more often, seeing changes, and feeling lighter, freer, and more confident you are making good choices in your life. Once again being aware is essential to change.

Setting your intentions:

1. Make sure your intentions are positive and from a place of love.

2. Be clear on what outcome you are looking for.

3. Think of them in your mind, write them down, and speak the intention out loud. This sets the intention energy into motion.

4. Now let it go and have faith that it will be.

Don’t limit your intentions by then adding your doubts to them. Push past fears, remember you only know what you know, and you cannot grow unless going through the fear and enter your imagination.

5. Refocus and Reset Intentions as needed - Create the life you want by being open to change.

Find out the next step in the process by learning about the Visualize Key and how to incorporate it to unlock your potential.
